Mission statement:-

To provide a muti-income stream opportunity in well researched programs. To provide done for you Turnkey System Solutions in areas where most people struggle.

Welcome to TurnKeyBees.buzz

Normal bees gather pollen and make honey, however, TurnKeyBees gather leads and make money

TurnKeyBees done for you features:-

1.Program selection and due diligence is done for you. The currently adopted programs are CTFO and 7UPTV. (More info below) All programs must have good training and a strong up line sponsor.

2.Lead generation is done for you via in house systems. MLM, Home Business, and business opportunity seekers leads are sent to members via a series of rotators.

3. The advertising, campaigns, sale funnels, autoresponders are all done for you by TurnKeyBees. It is only when somebody clicks a JOIN BUTTON in a TurnKeyBees advert the rotator kicks in and a member sign up page is called. This stops the situation where everybody is promoting their own banners etc.

4. Personal landing pages for your warm market done for you. A member can request a copy of any TurnKeyBee pages. Using our capture page software we simply clone the page, take out the rotator URL and insert the member's URL and save. The member can then promote within their warm market.

5.Duplication is the key to building an online business. After your warm market is exhausted you need leads,TurnKeyBees have Free and paid traffic rotators with a simple duplication method done for you .

TurnKeyBees will seek to add more income streams. Our Adopted Programs in Streaming Media and Healthcare are high demand verticals ro will benefit in these troubled times.

How do you become a TurnKeyBee member today:-

1. Research the two adopted programs from the buttons below.

2. When you join any one or both of these programs you automatically become a TurnKeyBee and added into your chosen program.

3. Each TurnKeyBee will then be added to the email series for their chosen program. This will include strategy and information on sign up rotators and a private direct email to TurnKeyBees management. The two current email series are "CTFO Swarm" and "7UPTV Swarm"

Info on 7UPTV both SAVE and EARN
 (Streaming Media)

Above are the basics. However below are more details to aid your due diligence to decide to become a TurnKeyBee.

There is also a telegram information channel . Link to Swarming TurnKeyBees (Message and voice call support available )

We generate our own leads, which are not for sale and exclusively used in our adopted programs above.

We understand that may be looking for leads for a current business or program taken the time to look at our TurnKeyBees, but still feel this is not for you, we have prepared a page of recommended 3rd party Lead Generation. Done for you click below:-
